
Bunk Beds, Tape storage and CSN Stores

A while ago, I was contacted by Jason at CSN Stores and he asked me to browse around their 200+ stores and do a product review. I was amazed at the selection and variety of items they offer. In my attempt to be good, I started by browsing the twin beds and bunk beds. My mom is looking for a set for the grandchildren's room.  I am pretty sure the kids would like this set-up...

 Of course, I am willing to bet Grandmother is more interested in something like this...
Being good lasted for about thirty minutes and then I started looking at stuff for my studio space. Oh, and I checked out the kitchen supplies, too. As I meandered through the site, I discovered this...
TAPE is all the rage right now and I love this dispenser.  These colors are great, too. With this, I know one part of my supplies will be neat and organized. So what will happen is my tape will be a shining organized beacon in the sea of supplies which is my studio space.

This product is solid and well constructed. Plus, the company is environmentally conscious. By shredding and using cardboard boxes as packing material, they support the reduce and reuse movement. Additionally, they employ and maximize the capabilities of those in community with developmental disabilities. What a great company!
I am looking forward to receiving my new tape dispenser. I'll let you know what I think about it when it arrives.

Meanwhile, head over and check out all their stores.
Happy Day!

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